Sports Oxygen and the Three Energy Systems
Every sport makes demands on three energy systems: Aerobic metabolism uses oxygen to convert nutrients into energy; when intense bursts of energy are needed, anaerobic lactic metabolism generates energy without oxygen, exclusively from sugars such as glucose, with lactate as a byproduct; and for short bursts of energy, alactic anaerobic metabolism produces energy without oxygen and without producing lactate. Aerobic sports include long-distance running, and anaerobic sports include weight lifting, which needs sports oxygen.
Physiologists long ago concluded that the thin air at high altitudes causes the body to produce more oxygen-carrying blood cells, making athletes more efficient in endurance activities at lower levels. That also explains the dominance of East African marathoners, who were born and raised in Kenya’s Rift Valley or the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, which is more than 7,500 feet above sea level.

Bob Larsen has coached Keflezighi since he won four national titles for the Bruins in the late 1990s.
When you anecdotally look at how many people are getting the medals, and are training at altitude, there is enough evidence that most people shouldn’t overlook it.
You have to conclude that if your red blood mass increases dramatically when you’ve been at altitude for a while, you’re going to have an advantage when you get to sea level.
When you anecdotally look at how many people are getting the medals, and are training at altitude, there is enough evidence that most people shouldn’t overlook it.
You have to conclude that if your red blood mass increases dramatically when you’ve been at altitude for a while, you’re going to have an advantage when you get to sea level.
— Bob Larsen
Former UCLA Track Coach
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