Breathing Oxygen
Breathing Methods And Your Oxygen Intake
Oxygen is what keeps us alive. A well-oxygenated body can do many things, including fighting off diseases. The more oxygen you breathe in, the healthier you can be. Hyperbaric oxygen chambers are necessary to help patients fight certain conditions in hospitals.
Here is a fun fact: one acquires breathing patterns from the people they observe growing up. If your parents tend to be heavy breathers, chances are you picked up that behavior too. If you grew up around people who are shallow breathers, you are likely to breathe that way too. However, you can quickly adopt new breathing patterns if you wish to.
Shallow breathing consists of drawing tiny breaths in the lungs called thoracic breathing or chest breathing. Air is drawn into the chest using the intercostal muscles located in the upper chest. The diaphragm is the muscle located right under the rib cage, between the chest and the stomach. You do not use your full lungs (or diaphragm) with this breathing pattern.
Deep breathing using your full lungs
Deep breathing oxygen is the opposite of shallow breathing. It consists in contracting and relaxing your diaphragm to take deep breaths. Air fills your lungs, and your belly expands when you breathe in deeply. This method is called “diaphragmatic,” belly, or abdominal breathing.
With deep breathing, the abdomen expands instead of the chest. Deep breathing is often considered a healthy and better way to get some oxygen. It is also an efficient way to stop hyperventilation, anxiety, and even stuttering.
How to breathe from your diaphragm in a few simple steps:
Wear some loose clothes and make yourself comfortable.
Place a hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.
Inhale slowly through your nose to slow down your oxygen intake.
Push your abdomen out when you inhale; you will feel your belly expand.
It would help if you tried using this breathing exercise twice a day or anytime you experience stress or hyperventilation. Doing so can also reduce pain. Deep breathing is the best way to fight an oxygen deficiency. The proceeding is from an article titled Health Hint: Breathing Exercises from
Abdominal breathing technique
Start by placing a hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. When you inhale, the hand on your stomach should be higher than the other one, which is how you know that your diaphragm is drawing air to the bases of your lungs.
Exhale slowly through your mouth. Take a very deep breath through your nostrils. Visualize yourself inhaling all the air around you, count slowly to seven, or inhale for as long as possible.
Next, exhale through your mouth while counting to 8. Don’t forget to push out the remaining air from your lungs by lightly contracting your abs as you slowly exhale. It is counterintuitive, but you don’t have to inhale more deeply for this technique. You can deepen your respiration by exhaling more slowly and more completely.
Do this breathing exercise five times in a row. Inhale once every 10 seconds, and you will take six breaths a minute. This rhythm will cause your heart rate to become more stable, which is excellent for your heart and overall health.
You can start introducing words into this exercise once you become more comfortable. The general idea is that you can associate a positive word with inhaling as if you were absorbing that feeling and associate something negative with exhaling as if you were pushing that unpleasant feeling out of your body. For instance, say “relaxation” as you inhale or “anxiety” as you exhale.
Try exhaling for twice as long as you inhaled. Using your hands to feel your chest and abdomen rising is necessary to control your breathing. You can do this exercise without using your hands once you become more comfortable.
There are many other breathing oxygen exercises besides abdominal breathing. It would be best if you learned to master this technique before moving on to something more complicated. Breathing that way will become more natural to you as you practice.
You can also use an OxygenSuperCharger besides deep breathing exercises to increase your oxygen intake.
Here’s a link to get a good deal on Sticky Dots!
How can you quickly get used to breathing oxygen deeply? Place some items or sticky dots in a few spots you will notice daily. For instance, on a mirror, next to your computer screen, or above the kitchen sink. Take a deep breath from your diaphragm when you see the dots or items.
Practicing proper deep breathing is the first way to reduce oxygen deficiency.

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