How To Improve Oxygen Deficiency
You want to change two main things to improve oxygen deficiency. The first cause is failing to exercise daily, which helps the body use oxygen much more efficiently. The second cause is failing to maintain one’s weight at a healthy level. The two behaviors are highly correlated. A government research review found 326 studies examining the relationship between sedentary behavior and obesity. The review considered the following to be sedentary behaviors and types of low-energy activities.
- Couch potato television viewing
- Using the computer
- Talking on the telephone
- Using motorized transportation
- Sitting in class
- Doing homework
- Sitting around doing nothing
- Chatting with friends and family
- Listening to music
- Reading
- Cognitive hobbies
Many of these listed activities are pretty common ones that many of us spend a lot of time on. It illustrates how much of our modern lives avoid life-sustaining, primary activities that in the past helped provide us with healthy and strong bodies. To increase your oxygen level and become more active, it isn’t necessary to have a gym membership.
Here is some advice and information from that is worth considering.
Exercises c ain a gym are not the only forms of physical activity that can benefit your body. One of the easier ways of improving your health can come by increasing how much low-intensity physical activity you do throughout your entire day.
Here are ten simple things you can do to be more physically active daily:
- Take the stairs. It would help if you used the stairs whenever possible. Use the stairs whenever you need to go up one or two floors. For going down, choose the stairs for three or fewer floors. If the distance you need to walk is too far for you right now, start by walking the first few flights of stairs, then use the elevator for the rest. Keep in mind that each time you use the stairs instead of taking the escalator or elevator, you are doing something that will affect your health positively over the long term.
- Drink lots of water. It may sound strange. However, I have used this trick for many years. If you sip water constantly during the day, you will need to pee at least once an hour. Each time you go to pee, you’ll get a five-minute walk to the bathroom and back again. You can take this even further by using a washroom located in a different part of the building. Frequent breaks could also give you the chance to take the stairs also. It’s easy to forget to go on a 5-minute walk once an hour is easy. However, failing to pee is impossible. There is also the bonus that staying well hydrated can also reduce your feeling hungry and may also help to lessen chronic back pain. It really is a win-win situation.
- Park your car as far away as you can from the door. Walk a bit further than you usually do, whether you are at school, work, or the mall, by parking your car on the outer part of the parking lot. It adds just a few seconds to your destination time. However, this could add years to your life if you do this every day.
- Clean your house regularly. Most people don’t realize that cleaning can be a great workout, especially if you have a big place. Cleaning involves lots of stretching, lifting, and walking. These are all good and healthy for your body.
- Yard work and gardening are excellent. Raking leaves, trimming hedges, mowing the lawn, and pulling weeds are all physically challenging. They use a wide range of different muscles, just like cleaning. You can increase the amount of physical activity you do, but it also provides you with an excellent excuse for being outside.
- Turn off your cable service during the summer. How much time you spend watching television independently predicts disease, which is especially true for children. When you stop and think about it, this isn’t very surprising. Kids are usually moving around except when sitting and watching television. Cut the cable off for a while. You will suddenly discover you have one less reason for spending your day lounging on the couch and watching tv.
- Purchase a pedometer. These beeper-size gadgets will count how many steps you take daily. They provide an excellent way to measure how much physical activity you get every day. They can also be an excellent motivator in helping you decide to walk any time you can. Try to walk 10,000 steps every day at least. However, increasing your walking by any amount will most likely benefit your health. So if you aren’t able to do 10,000 at first, don’t feel bad. You can buy a good quality pedometer for only $20. These are available online from the British Columbia-based Canadian company called Speakwell.
- Use public transit and active transportation. Using public transport will encourage walking to and from the bus stop. Riding a bicycle will help you burn calories.
- Hold walk meetings. Anytime you need to meet with your co-workers, informally make the meeting a short walk. Consider holding walk meetings when there isn’t enough time to go on a long walk on your lunch break.
- Take a walk after you have had dinner. After family dinners, you can make it a family walk. Keep in mind that the more extra fat we carry in our bodies, the more of an oxygen deficit we will have. Losing weight also helps increase your body’s oxygen levels and shed those unwanted pounds.
In terms of how much oxygen is available to your body to do the work to keep you healthy, small things make a huge difference.

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