Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Throughout the years, OxygenSuperCharger™ has received many questions, and below, we have answered the most common ones. If you cannot find the answer here, feel free to contact us so we may assist you further.
The recommended dose is to take 5 to 30 drops, sublingually (under the tongue) up to 3 times a day. We always suggest starting slow at 5 drops 3 times a day, then take 10 drops 3 times a day, and keep going until you get up to the 30 drops 3 times a day.
Our Ultra Strength product is 25% stronger so less can be taken. The equivalent maximum dosage of our Ultra Strength is 23 drops.
Our original formula product is 35% oxygen (Ultra Strength is 25% stronger), and oxygen is a detoxifier, meaning it helps the body remove toxins that have built up in the cells. If the body gets a large dose of oxygen, that it is not accustomed to, the body will release toxins from the cells into the bloodstream in order for it to be removed as waste matter (through urine, stool, and sweat). In some people, this rush of toxins into the bloodstream has been known to produce temporary headaches, lethargy, and in some cases, “loose stool”, as the body tries to get rid of the toxins. When you start slow, the body still is releasing toxins but gradually so these detox symptoms reactions are not noticeable.
The recommended way to use OxygenSuperCharger™ is to place drops sublingually, i.e., under the tongue (see the above FAQ for the recommended dosage). You may also put OxygenSuperCharger™ in water and drink it, using the exact dosage above.
NOTE: Our product has actual oxygen in the liquid. Oxygen has a negative electrical charge. Toxins and pathogens have a positive electrical charge. When oxygen comes in contact with an impurity, toxin, etc., they neutralize each other. In other words, oxygen destroys itself when it destroys the impurity. How Oxygen Works Video
Therefore, if you put OxygenSuperCharger™ in anything besides pure water, the oxygen in it will immediately start purifying the liquid. This is why we suggest if you put it in water, drink it as soon as possible so you can ingest the most oxygen possible. We do not recommend adding it to anything other than water to get the maximum amount of oxygen into the body.
Yes. We suggest you use OxygenSuperCharger™ an hour (or more) before or after meals for the reason we suggested above. Food does have impurities that the oxygen will attack first, which leaves less to get into your cells. Additionally, digestion takes a lot of body energy. The body uses oxygen to create the energy it needs for digestion. Therefore, to have the most oxygen available for other body functions and not used for digestion, we suggest not taking it with meals.
For the average person, suggested amounts are usually sufficient. Additional OxygenSuperCharger™ can be taken when there is a special need and many people do take larger amounts. An example would be an athlete in competition, or in strenuous training. In those or similar situations, many take the OxygenSuperCharger™ as needed and in the amounts tailored to their individual body needs and circumstances. People take additional oxygen to increase their blood oxygen levels. Those in prime health, such as athletes, take additional oxygen to maintain high blood oxygen levels.
A “bonus” is that additional oxygen kills pathogens (disease-causing organisms) in the system. With diets and lifestyles found in the modern world, we all have pathogens in our system, some more than others. This is why some people actually start with less than suggested amounts of oxygen and work their way up. If killed off quicker than our bodies can comfortably process, these dead pathogens can give you a feeling of nausea. If that is encountered, it is not caused by the additional oxygen, but by what that oxygen is killing! Drink additional water to help flush your system, and next time back off on the amount of oxygen taken until you find “your” present optimum level. It’s a very simple process. Amounts used can, over time, gradually be increased.
Using our highest recommended dosage, a 2-ounce bottle of OxygenSuperCharger™ should generally last about a month. Our 16-ounce bottle is equivalent to eight (8) 2-ounce bottles, so that it can last eight months (more or less).
How long our product will last depends on (1) how many drops are taken, (2) how often it is taken, and (3) the size of the drops, as this is not an exact measurement.
Our Ultra Strength formula is 25% stronger, so you can take less; a bottle will last much longer. See FAQ #1 for dosages.
The original formula OxygenSuperCharger™ that we are selling on this website is a 35% strength formula, which means 350,000 parts per million. Our Ultra Strength formula is 25% stronger making this the strongest strength that we can have manufactured! Specially made for the athlete and high performer, as well as the traveler, professional long-haul driver, those who find themselves at high altitudes, and anyone needing an extra boost of oxygen!
Admittedly, the subject of oxygen strength gets confusing because many companies do not state their oxygen strength while others make exaggerated claims. For instance, one of our biggest competitors sells an oxygen product that is less than 4% strength, compared with our 35% strength, and our Ultra Strength which is 25% stronger! Also, the “old technology” products have no bio-available oxygen until a chemical reaction takes place in the stomach. This makes a measurement of actual oxygen strength almost impossible.
We give a one-time only, full product cost refund on the 2-ounce sample-size bottles of OxygenSuperCharger™ and the 8-ounce sample-size bottles of MineralSuperCharger™. Simply send the bottle back to us within 30-days of purchase. We do not give refunds on the 16-ounce bottle of OxygenSuperCharger™ or 32-ounce bottle of MineralSuperCharger™.
No. There is a simple “marketing” reason: they do not suggest using larger amounts! At the prices that most companies are charging, if they told a customer to take larger amounts, that customer would soon “put a pencil to it” and figure out that they could not afford the product.
When you sell it at the price we do, you can afford to recommend that a person take enough to do some “real” good! We are all different in the amounts that work best for us individually, so follow the guidelines.
Despite high oxygen make-up, available diatomic oxygen is very minute in the water. In fact, tap and bottled water usually contain less than ten parts per million (PPM) of dissolved bio-available oxygen! The maximum amount of free oxygen molecules that water will absorb (at normal atmospheric pressure and temperature) is 20 PPM. Contrast that with our OxygenSuperCharger™ at 350,000 PPM!
With OxygenSuperCharger™ stabilized liquid oxygen, the oxygen molecules are neither bubbled through the water nor forced into it under pressure. Oxygen molecules are created from the actual solution itself and are stabilized in that solution.
Quite safe. Our liquid oxygen products have a safe pH level of about 7.4. Many other stabilized liquid oxygen products on the market are caustic to the skin. These “old technology” liquid oxygen products (by contrast) have high alkaline levels that can cause severe burns!
If a product calling itself “liquid stabilized oxygen” says you must dilute it before ingesting it, this is because it can cause severe burns when used at full strength.
This is because very few labs can detect oxygen in higher concentrations. The standard testing method for dissolved oxygen in liquids (using oxygen probes) will only detect oxygen levels of under 20 parts per million (PPM). Most electronic testing devices presently available will not measure oxygen concentrations in water higher than 20 PPM. This is mainly because testing applications were developed primarily for the wastewater management industry, where oxygen levels are low and there is a high concentration of salts and minerals, allowing the probe to measure using consistent electrical current. Other lab tests and methods must be used. Every batch of our OxygenSuperCharger™ Activated Stabilized Oxygen is tested during manufacturing to determine the oxygen content.
Bioavailable oxygen in OxygenSuperCharger™ can be measured using several methods. It is important to distinguish between “dissolved oxygen” and “bioavailable oxygen”. When discussing OxygenSuperCharger™, there is a difference between the two terms. “Dissolved oxygen” refers to diatomic oxygen molecules (O2) and “bioavailable oxygen” refers to oxygen of various allotropes i.e., different physical forms in which an element can exist, including O1, O2, O3, and the O4 in OxygenSuperCharger™.
There are between 5 and 15 PPM, or parts per million, of oxygen in the atmosphere. OxygenSuperCharger™ contains some dissolved oxygen molecules (O2), mainly oxygen molecules that have been dissolved by atmospheric pressure.
A simple colormetric test or Schoenbein Color Scale is the first testing method. A paper strip infused with potassium iodide is used. Any oxidizing agent, such as oxygen, causes the strip to turn color. Despite being quick and easy to do, this method requires subjective interpretation based on the strips’ resulting colors. Despite its reliability, it is not quantitatively accurate.
The second test is the standard test for dissolved oxygen and is also colormetric. It is called Titrimetric Method/Iodometry or the Winkler method. During the test, manganese ions will react with the oxygen that is dissolved in an alkaline solution. The reaction forms a manganese oxide “hydroxide” flocculent. In order to determine how much oxygen is dissolved in a solution, the resulting color is compared to a standardized color spectrum in a range between 0 PPM and 40 PPM.
The third method is to use an oxidation-reduction potential meter (ORP) to measure the electrical potential of OxygenSuperCharger™. While this method does not yield a specific concentration measurement of bioavailable oxygen, it does provide a credible and reliable reading of the oxidative power of the oxygen molecules in OxygenSuperCharger™. An oxidative chemical reaction adds oxygen to the tissues of the body.
It is important to understand that dissolved oxygen (DO) meters will not provide meaningful data about the amount of bioavailable oxygen in OxygenSuperCharger™. This is because the electron bonding of the polyatomic tetraoxygen (O4) in OxygenSuperCharger™ is strong enough to prevent the DO meter’s measuring probes from breaking apart the O4 molecules into the diatomic oxygen (O2) molecules the meter can then measure.
In a fourth method, a mass spectrometer with oxygen allotrope testing software is used, specifically related to Eigen functions.
Our manufacturer has used all of the above testing methods. Based on independent testing, our Original formula OxygenSuperCharger™ measures on a mass spectrometer around 900 and our UltraStrength OxygenSuperCharger™ measures around 1100. the following cross referenced chart compares ORP to bioavailable oxygen.
Oxidation Reduction Potential (OPR) in villivolts (mV) |
Bioavailable Oxygen in mg/L (or PPM) |
Bioavailable Oxygen as a Percentage |
1200 | 400,000 | 40% |
1100 | 390,000 | 39% |
975 | 380,000 | 38% |
950 | 370,000 | 37% |
925 | 360,000 | 36% |
900 | 350,000 | 35% |
875 | 340,000 | 34% |
850 | 330,000 | 33% |
825 | 320,000 | 32% |
800 | 310,000 | 31% |
775 | 300,000 | 30% |
750 | 290,000 | 29% |
725 | 280,000 | 28% |
700 | 270,000 | 27% |
675 | 260,000 | 26% |
650 | 250,000 | 25% |
Yes there is! We have summarized the available research for the original formula in this PDF: OxygenSuperCharger_studies.pdf
On a cellular level, Oxygen is a key ingredient in all processes that involve the absorption of nutrients, the energy cycle of the cell itself, and the elimination of toxins from the cell. If there is not enough oxygen in the blood and delivered to the cells, then this process breaks down. Insufficient Oxygen in the blood also reduces the “line-of-defense” of the human immune system.
The new technology utilizes a revolutionary proprietary process that costs over a million dollars to develop. Ingredients are water and sodium chloride (salt). The sodium chloride is added to increase electrical conductivity and facilitate the manufacturing process that separates the oxygen molecules from the H2O and stabilizes the oxygen in the water. The process starts with a saline solution similar to that used by most hospitals and utilizes salt. What happens to it after that is a closely guarded secret, except to say that it is put through a special electrolysis process. The end result is remarkable. A very high concentration of oxygen, safe pH levels, and with amazingly small quantities of chloride and sodium remaining.
Most use “old technology” of oxygen bonded to a salt and often includes chlorite rather than chloride… an important distinction. With most such products, no actual oxygen is available until a chemical reaction occurs, such as with the acid found in the stomach. These high alkaline level products are caustic and can cause severe burns. They have to be diluted with water before they can be ingested.
Two important things distinguish the new state-of-the-art stabilized liquid oxygen:
OxygenSuperCharger™ is completely safe with an approximate 7.4 pH and is bio-available and ready to “go to work.”

This misleading claim is indeed being made by products that are as high as 13.7 on the pH scale. Such a high pH could badly burn the skin. The only way that such a product could safely be used, would be to first mix it with water. This has to be done to lower the pH to a safe level (such as found in our product) before it can be used.
Many believe it important to maintain our body on the positive side of the pH range for optimum health. Because of this, our oxygen is made slightly on the positive side (with a pH of around 7.4) to complement such a program. However, unlike the old technology products, our product is still in a safe range that is completely compatible with the human body. Our stabilized oxygen can work together with programs that help achieve a positive pH level. Despite claims being made by others, stabilized oxygen by itself will not do the whole job. Diet and lifestyle are keys to pH regulation. There are no “magic” short cuts.
Stabilized Oxygen products in capsule form use “old technology” to release oxygen generally using the hydrochloric acid found in the stomach as a catalyst. We believe the new technology products to be safer and more effective!
Unlike our stabilized liquid oxygen, hydrogen peroxide is toxic. Some have found that the use of “food grade” hydrogen peroxide has increased their blood-oxygen levels. Its use, however, should be approached with caution, as it can be potentially dangerous. It should be used only under strict medical supervision. Some people also worry about a potential increase in free radicals when using hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide can be quite unpleasant to use as well. Our new technology stabilized liquid oxygen, on the other hand, is quite pleasant and easy to use, is non-toxic, and safe.
A research article on the National Institute of Health website tells about the effects on a man who accidentally consumed 35% hydrogen peroxide and what happened to him. In the end, the researchers conclude:
Thirty-five per cent hydrogen peroxide can be lethal when ingested, and needs to be treated with caution and stored appropriately. Public awareness and regulation of the use of this substance is required.
There is no chlorine in our product — only chloride from the salt. Taste does not correlate with strength. The oxygen itself has no taste. The taste comes from the sodium chloride (salt) content. Most of the sodium chloride is filtered out at the end of the manufacturing process. Human taste buds are very perceptive to the taste of sodium chloride, even in very minute amounts. Due to proprietary manufacturing techniques, our oxygen is actually one of the most “mild tasting” on the market.
The suggested serving contains less than one percent (<1%) of the recommended DV (daily value) of sodium.
Due to their cellular structure, pathogenic (disease-causing) microbes give up electrons and die when exposed to oxygen-rich environments. Basically, the disease-causing microbes are anaerobic and thrive only in an environment deprived of oxygen. These include anaerobic bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungus, mold, and parasites. Beneficial microbes, however, are basically aerobic and thrive in an oxygen-rich environment.
OxygenSuperCharger™ stabilized liquid oxygen can be used in exactly the same way as a natural antibiotic, but with the added advantage of potentially aiding in the health of individual cells. Colloidal Silver should be used only for short periods of time. Stabilized liquid oxygen, on the other hand, can be safely and beneficially used on an ongoing basis.
To prevent any loss of oxygen strength because of an “oxidation” reaction between the oxygen and metal. While the brief act of stirring or measuring into a metal spoon should not be a problem, extended exposure to metal would cause a loss of oxygen strength.
There is no doubt that testimonials can, in many cases, help to sell a product. However, always be aware that a “good ad person” can sit down and, in an hour, come up with the most “glowing” list of testimonials imaginable. That has been done countless times!
On the other hand, there is little doubt (from our end) that many of the testimonials used to sell stabilized oxygen are legitimate. We know this because we have received numerous such testimonials over the years. We appreciate such customer feedback, as they “make our day” when received. However, we don’t believe in publishing them. They cannot be verified unless contact information for the individual giving the testimonial is provided. Such would be a violation of the strict privacy rules that we have regarding our valued customers.
Several ways. We offer it directly to the consumer with no middleman or marketing gimmicks. We offer it in 16-ounce bottles, because (due to bottling costs) it is a much more economical buy than the small bottles. We do not spend the money on advertising that other companies do. Instead, we depend on repeat business and referrals. And, lastly, although we have shipped products all over the United States for years, we are a small family-owned business and plan on keeping it that way. Because of these things, we are able to keep our overhead and our prices down as low as possible.
Our philosophy is that there are many people out there who depend on the product, but a lot of them can’t afford it at the prices others are charging. Therefore, we will always keep our pricing as low as we can, to help as many people as possible. We honestly believe that we have the best stabilized oxygen product out there, and we certainly have the best prices!
The recommended shelf life for our OxygenSuperCharger™ stabilized liquid oxygen is three (3) years. Activated stabilized oxygen stores fine at room temperature, with the cap on tight, and out of direct sunlight.
YES, IT CAN! And it is one of the best and safest ways to store water. For all the information you need see our WATER STORAGE “SECRETS” REVEALED page.
The products you order are bottled fresh for you when the manufacturer receives the order. You are always guaranteed the freshest possible product. Please allow 7-10 days for your orders to be shipped. You will receive an email with your tracking number as soon as one becomes available.
If you have any other questions please just get in touch.